
Archive for the ‘sweet’ Category

Make apple tarts! Or rather apple galettes because sometimes I just don’t feel like making pretty pastries *gasp!* yes I know, I’m all about the aesthetics but sometimes quick and rustic is better then painstakingly beautiful.
Mancub and I bought apples at a green market, thinking we were getting super delicious and portable snacks, Think again! They were much to tart to eat on their lonesome, so they’ve been sitting in our fridge looking sad and unloved. So I figured I would show them love, by chopping them up and cooking them.
First come first the pie crust!
Now usually I’m a fan of using lard for making pie crusts, it’s how my grandma taught me so that how I like it. But for some reason Superfresh AND Giant don’t carry it wft super-market?! So I surrendered and decided to go to my butter pie crust recipe standby.
8 tablespoons chilled butter
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt (For the apple tart I omit the salt and add a handful of grated or finely shopped parmesan cheese)
1/4 cup ice water
4 apples, peeled cored and thinly sliced
2 tablespoons butter, cut in small pieces
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 cup sugar

Place butter in freezer for 15 minutes. When ready to use, remove and cut both into small pieces.

In the bowl of a food processor, combine flour and salt(or cheese) by pulsing 3 to 4 times. Add butter and pulse 5 to 6 times until texture looks mealy.

Remove lid of food processor and spritz surface of mixture thoroughly with water. Replace lid and pulse 5 times. Add more water and pulse again until mixture holds together when squeezed.

Place mixture in large zip-top bag, squeeze together until it forms a ball, and then press into a rounded disk and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until ready to roll out.

Roll out the dough and put into a cake pan( YES a CAKE PAN), don’t bother about the overhang, you’ll be folding it over in the end.

after rolling out the dough everything is easy-peasy, place apple slices in the pan as orderly or haphazardly as you wish, remember messy pies taste just as good as picture perfect ones!

Top with sugar, cinnamon and dot with butter. Fold the extra pie dough over the edges and get ready to bake.

bake at 400 degrees for approximately 40 minutes, or until crust is golden brown and tempting enough to stick your fingers in the oven and grab a chunk of it… DON”T though, it hurts, ask me how I know.

Now the only thing you need is a little ice cream, and maybe if youre feeling civilized; a fork.

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